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星期五,趁妈妈去洗漱,我找来了爸爸,商量起了我的“母 亲节计划”.“星期天肯定没有什么时间偷偷去趟花店的,要么星期 六下午上完课你来接我的时候顺便去买花?”“这个计划不错,明天 我帮你!”爸爸爽快地答应了。

On Friday, when my mother went to wash, I found my father and discussed my "mother's Day Plan". "There must be no time to sneak into the flower shop on Sunday, or you can ///pice to pick me up after class on Saturday afternoon?" "It's a good plan. I'll help you tomorrow!" Dad readily agreed.

第二天,下了课,爸爸果然来接我了.我们开始寻找花店 ,没过一会儿,我看到了一家花店“芳心花店”,里面有卖康乃馨的 ,就立马下了车,走了过去.乍一看觉得那些康乃馨颜色艳丽,都 很漂亮.但是当我仔细看过后,可就不是那么一回事了.那些康乃 馨似乎是在高温下待得久了,有些花瓣已经泛黄,一副无精打采的 样子,一点也不好看.还有些就是正开得旺盛的,花瓣都全部展开 ,过几天就谢了的那种。

The next day, after class, Dad came to pick me up. We began to look for a flower shop. After a while, I saw a flower shop called "Fangxin flower shop". There were carnations in it, so I got off the car and walked there. At first glance, I think those carnations are gorgeous and beautiful. But when I look at it carefully, it's not the same thing. Those carnations seem to have been in the high temperature for a long time. Some petals have turned yellow and look listless. They are not good—looking at all. Some of them are the ones that are in full bloom, the petals are all unfolded, and they will be withered in a few days.


"Let's see." Dad also saw these dissatisfaction.

绕了半天,我们又回到上课的地方,旁边一点远,就有一 家叫“快乐"的花店。

After a long walk around, we went back to the place where we had classes. A little farther away, there was a flower shop called "happy".

一进门,我就眼尖地看到了摆在三四个大水桶中的鲜切花 ,花朵都十分新鲜.我看中的是一株多枝康乃馨,在这株上,有的 花朵还没有开,而有的却才舒展出一两片花瓣.就这个啦!我挑了 两枝不同颜色的,一枝粉的,一枝红的刚转头,又见门边一个水 桶中有许多粉红色的多枝玫瑰,虽然并没有单枝红玫瑰的妖娆,但 那淡粉色的小小花朵,却平添出几分可爱.我越看越喜欢, 想着妈妈也一定会喜欢,就让店主包了起来。

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the fresh cut flowers in three or four big buckets. They were all very fresh. I am interested in a carnation with many branches. In this carnation, some flowers have not yet opened, while others have only stretched out one or two petals. That's it! I picked two different colors, one pink and one red. Just turned around, I saw many pink multi branch roses in a bucket beside the door. Although there are no enchanting single branch red roses, the small pale pink flowers add a little loveliness. The more I see it, the more I like it. I think my mother will like it, so I let the shopkeeper bag it.

回到家门口,我一手拿着花背在身后,腾出一只手敲了敲 门.妈妈来开门了,在门开的一瞬间,我举起了花对妈妈说:“母亲 节快乐!”“谢谢!”妈妈笑了。

When I got home, I took the flower back in one hand and knocked on the door. Mother came to open the door, in the moment when the door opened, I raised the flower and said to my mother, "Happy Mother's Day!" "thank you!" my mother smiled.

进了门,我将花放在一只细颈花瓶内,然后把原来缠绕在 花束上的丝带系在了花瓶上,满意地看着杰作。

Entering the door, I put the flower in a small neck vase, and then tied the ribbon that was originally wrapped on the bouquet to the vase, looking at the masterpiece with satisfaction.


Happy mother's day to all mothers in the world!

