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新概念英语第一册第91-92课:Poor Lan

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  Lesson 91   Poor Ian!可怜的伊恩!

  Listen to the tape then answer this question.Who wanted to sell the house?   听录音,然后回答问题。谁想卖房?   Mrs Smith:     Has Ian sold his house yet?   凯瑟琳:伊恩已指他的房子卖掉了吗?   Mrs Brown:     Yes, he has. He sold it last week.   詹 尼:是的,卖掉了。他上星期卖掉的。   Mrs Smith:     Has he moved to his new house yet?   凯瑟琳:他已经迁进新居了吗?   Mrs Brown:     No, not yet. He’s still here. He’s going to move tomorrow.   詹 尼:不,还没有。他仍在这里。他打算明天搬家。   Mrs Smith:     When? Tomorrow morning?   凯瑟琳:什么时候?明天上午吗?   Mrs Brown:     No. Tomorrow afternoon. I’ll miss him. He has always been a good neighbour.   詹 尼:不,明天下午。我会想念他的。他一直是个好邻居。   Mrs Green:     He’s a very nice person. We shall all miss him.   琳 达:他是个非常好的人,我们大学都会想念他的。   Mrs Smith;     When will the new people move into this house?   凯瑟琳:新住户什么时候搬进这所房子?   Mrs Brown:    I think that they will move in the day after tomorrow.   詹 尼:我想他们将会在后天搬进来吧。   Mrs Green:     Will you see Lan today, Mrs Brown?   琳 达:詹尼,您今天会见到伊恩吗?   Mrs Brown:     Yes, I will.   詹 尼:是的,我会见到他。   Mrs Green:     Please give him my regards.   琳 达:请代我问候他。   Mr Smith:     Poor Mr Ian! He didn’t want to leave this house.   凯瑟琳:可怜的伊恩!他本不想离开这幢房子。   Mrs Brown:     No, he didn’t want to leave, but his wife did!   詹 尼:是啊,他是不想离开,可是他妻子要离开。   New words and Expressions生词和短语   still   adv. 还,仍旧   move   v. 搬家   miss   v. 想念,思念   neighbor   n. 邻居   person   n. 人   people   n. 人们   poor   adj. 可怜的   Notes on the text课文注释   1  No, not yet.不.还没有。   这是简略回答,完整答是He hasn't moved to his new house yet.   2  He's a very nice person.他是一个非常好的人person是指人。当需要表示复数形式时,往往用people这个词。如后面的一句话 When will the new people move into this house?   3  Please give him my regards. 请代我问候他。   4  No. he didn't want to leave…是对上一句话的证实。由于上一句话中用了否定形式,因此.在证实时句中的动词不可模仿前一句话的形式,而要根据事实来决定。但在译成汉语时,No就要译成肯定的意思,如:"是的.他不想离开。"

  Lesson 92   When wiil...?什么时候要…?

  Lesson 91-92   自学导读 First things first

  课文详注  Further notes on the text   1.We'll all miss him. 我们大家都会想念他的。   all,大家,全部,指3个或3个以上的人或物;指两个用both。这里的all作we的同位语。   2.…but his wife did.   …可是他妻子离开。   句中did代替上文中的 wanted to leave。   语法 Grammar in use   一般将来时   (1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天),this month(本月), the day after tomorrow(后天),next week (下周), in two days' time(两天之后), from now on(从现在起),in the future(将来)等。   (2)一般将来时的形式为 will/shall+ 动词原形。   will可用于所有人称,但shall仅表示单纯将来时用于第一人称I和we,作为will的一种替代形式。   否定缩写: shan't =shall not, won't =will not:   I shan't leave tonight. I'll leave tomorrow.   今天夜里我不走。我将于明天离开。   They won't go to London this weekend.   这个周末他们不去伦敦。   此外,will除了表示纯粹的将来时间外,还表示说话人的意图和意愿,而shall除了表示将来时间外同时还表示说话人的责任或决心。   (3)除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to比 will/shall更为普通,用来表示说话人的意图或打算。如:   She is going to travel by air.   她打算乘飞机旅行。   也可用来表示有迹象某事即将发生。如:   It's going to rain.   将要下雨了。   (4)可与将来时连用的时间短语有:   今天:   this morning / afternoon / evening今天上午/下午/晚上   明天:   tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening明天上午/下午/晚上   后天:   the day after tomorrow后天   the night after next后天夜里   其他:   tonight今夜   in the morning在上午   in the afternoon 在下午   in the evening在晚上   词汇学习  Word study   1.miss  v.   (1)想念,惦念:   We'll miss you.   我们会想念你的。   His mother misses him very much.   他母亲很惦念他。   (2)错过;未做到:   He overslept and missed his train.   他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。   I missed an opportunity of realizing my dream.   我错过了一个可能实现自己梦想的机会。   2.still  adv.   (1)还是,仍然:   I still don't understand what he meant.   我还是不明白他是什么意思。   She was still beautiful at  the age of 46.   她46岁时依然美丽。   (2)还要,甚至更:   It  was hot yesterday, but it's still hotter today.   昨天很热,然而今天甚至还要热些。   She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse.   上星期她看上去病得很厉害,而这个星期看来更不行了。   (3)静止地;安静地:   He is sitting still.   他一动不动地坐着。   The patient is lying still.   病人安静地躺着。

新概念英语第一册第91-92课:Poor Lan
