范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > “九十分钟计划”让你更有效率


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也许你在开始正式工作之前,总会花很多的时间列清单、回邮件、接电话、整理书桌、反复整理本已很有条理的文件夹,最后发现那些被推迟的、有挑战的工作都没有做。这时候,你需要一个九十分钟计划。   90-Minute Plan is that you can begin your workdays by focusing for 90 minutes, uninterrupted, on the task. To make this possible, you turn off your email while you're working, close all windows on your computer, and let the phone go to voicemail if it rings. You'll typically get more work done during those 90 minutes, and feel more satisfied with your output. After 90 minutes, you can take a break.   90分钟计划,是指把每天的工作时间设定为90分钟一周期,在此期间关掉电邮,关掉电脑上所有的窗口,将电话转接到语音信箱。通常情况下,这样做能使工作效率大大提高,能完成更多的工作,工作成果也更令人满意。90分钟后,可以稍作休息。   We work for 90 minutes because that's what the research suggests is the optimal human limit for focusing intensely on any given task.   把工作时间设定为90分钟,是因为有调查表明,不管做什么事情,身体所能承受集中注意力的最佳时限就是90分钟。   At the heart of making this work is to build highly precise, deliberate practices, done at specific times, so they eventually become automatic and don't require much expenditure of energy or self-discipline, akin to brushing your teeth at night.   让 “90分钟计划”有效实施的关键是在此期间精确地、从容地做事,最终使其变成一种自然而然的习惯,不需要花费太多精力和自制力,就像你每天晚上要刷牙一样。

