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Im looking forward to the Olympic Ga

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Im looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing我期待奥运的召开

I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.


A: I'm looking forward to the Olympic Games in Beijing.

A: 我期待着北京奥运会的召开。

B: When do they begin?

B: 什么时候召开?

A: On August 8, 2008.

A: 2008年8月8日.

B: That's o-eight, o-eight, o-eignt (08. 08. 08)

B: 那正好是08-08-08。

A: Yes, You' re right. 8 is a very lucky number for Chinese people.

A: 对,你说得对。8是中国人的幸运数字。

B: So August 8, 2008 is a really good day to begin the Olympics!

B: 所以奥运会在2008年8月8日召开是个好日子!



1. If you are looking forward to something in the future, you can say: I'm looking forward to ... e. g. I'm looking forward to the Olympics in Beijing; I'm looking forward to the weekend. 如果你期待某事的发生,你可以说:I'm looking forward to... (我期待着...)。例如,我期待着北京奥运会的召开;我期待着这个周末。

2. When you talk about dates, you say the number in this way:The eighth of August; The first of October; The seventeenth of July. 当你说日期时,你这样说:8月8日,10月1日,7月17日。


Im looking forward to the Olympic Ga
