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篇一:夏雨 Summer rain

Rain, clear and leaking underground.

Naughty rain like a drop of steel balls like the same drop on the river, splashing high water; like a sieve beans down straight down, broken like a mirror of the lake, scared away had wanted to jump on the water to see Look at the little fish in the rain. The heavy raindrops hit the windows of the people, pound.

Rain, seems to want to play on people's umbrella, seems to want to play slides on the raincoats, up and down.

The streets of the girls, the bright colors of the umbrella, like girls are lively and lovely; the old man in the name of a black umbrella, revealing the mysterious and majestic atmosphere; children's umbrella, full of fun, some or their own painting, show The children are innocent.

Rain, still under ...






篇二:夏雨 Summer rain

At noon, the window is dark and dark. The hot weather gets angry with God, and he commands the wind and rain to come to earth.

The wind blows the tree down the waist, the tree seems to say: "God ah God, you do not have that big gas Well! Oh, my waist!

Rain to see the wind has been in the implementation of the task, not far behind. It is like a string of arrows from the sky rushed down, "rushing ... ..." on the ground Zaqi a blossoming water. "Drops of ticking ... ..." left a few "little tadpoles" on the ground. The pedestrians on the road were rushed to the bottom of the eaves.

"Whirring -" a few of my curtains into a "belly". Wow! The door of the toilet has become a "automatic door". As long as you go in, the wind came out from the window to help you close it!





篇三:夏雨 Summer rain

Summer rain raging, as if a fearless army.

Just blue skies, suddenly on the dark clouds pressure top. The footsteps of pedestrians have become fast. Said the time soon, beans big rain one by one and smashed down, issued a "crackling" sound. The pedestrians on the road began to find any, run away, looking for shelter. No time, the main force to the. Raindrops like a shells like to fall, bombing, "crashed, crashed", playing branches bent down the waist. There are very few pedestrians on the road, leaving only the clothes wet "shed chicken". Can be summer rain faster, go too fast. Soon, the army opened, Fengshen rolled clouds to the other rushing away, the rain also followed by a small, stopped. The air is so fresh, the sky, such as washed the general blue.

Everything is back to the original, only the puddle on the road and the rain hanging on the tree is telling the story of the rain ... ...




篇四:夏雨 Summer rain

Summer accompanied by heat came to earth. Summer weather is capricious and puzzling. Just sunny, sunny, and soon after the dark clouds, then the wind whistling, heavy rain poured, thunder and lightning. Rain hit the window, issued a "answer" sound, the rain down the window down, as if the kindergarten children to write the word, crooked. Dry earth mouth open mouth, enjoy the natural sucking the natural nectar. Flowers lifted tender and beautiful face, painfully washed his face. The summer rain is getting faster and going too fast. After the storm more fresh air, people forget the trouble and sorrow. The sky was washed and was so thorough blue. The dark clouds of the air were replaced by white clouds, and the sun father did not hesitate to reveal his red glowing face. Grass body also hanging crystal dew, in the sun's exposure, reflecting the colorful light.

夏天伴着酷热来到了人间. 夏天的天气反复无常,令人琢磨不透.刚刚还是艳阳高照,风和日丽,不一会儿就乌云满天,随后狂风呼啸,大雨倾盆,雷电交加.雨打在窗户上,发出"答答"的响声,雨水顺着窗户向下流去,仿佛是幼儿园的小朋友写的字,歪歪斜斜的.干裂的大地张着嘴,尽情地吮吸这大自然的琼浆.花儿抬起娇艳的脸蛋,痛痛快快地洗了把脸. 夏天的雨来得快,去得也快.风雨过后的空气更加清新,让人忘记了烦恼与忧愁.天空也被洗濯过了,是那么透彻的蓝色.空中的乌云又被白云所替代,太阳公公毫不吝啬的把自己红彤彤的脸蛋露了出来.小草的身上还挂着晶莹的露珠,在阳光的照射下,折射出五彩的光芒.

篇五:夏雨 Summer rain

Morning, heavy rain crashed the voice from my dream awakened, I just dressed, "rumbling", thunder awakened his brother, this is bad, my brother was afraid, wow cry, crying.

Soon after, the rain stopped, but there are trees on the rain fell to the ground, "tick, tick" sound. The birds chirp singing the song, the pond side of the small frog squatting on the lotus leaf, quarrel cried, then, my heart is also happy.

When we are happy, "rumbling" mine and fight up, the rain and down, the water fell to the ground first sound "tick, tick", and then, faster and faster, until the end, the rain could not help, Crashed, crashed "into heavy rain ... ...

People's umbrellas are like little petals in the rain, colorful, colorful.

The rain stopped, the sound of the thunder and the rain stopped, the roosters Oh, the birds tweeted, and the voices floated from all directions.






