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Nowadays, Internet has been the main way for people to get to know about the world. Many fans follow their idols' information by the social software. Internet facilitate people's life, but the problem comes. Internet violence is the main problem. As there is no law to limit people's behavior, many people are very mean. They give their bad comment on the things and people they don't like. Language violence can be seen everywhere, even the person is doing nothing wrong. Anyone can be attacked by others without the proper reason. We should not be so mean to others, even there is no law to supervise. Creating a harmonious environment needs everybody's contribution.


Many Chinese people believe that the big country like America is very powerful and it is the capital of the world. Actually, people have been brainwashed by the Hollywood films and start to undervalue our country. One the one hand, we have a history of more than 5,000 years and the diversity makes us special. A lot of foreigners come to visit China and are surprised by its beauty. On the other hand, China develops very fast and has made some great achievements in the world. such as the high speed train, while the first high speed train is still being built in America. We should be proud of our country.


In America, children can’t see all movies in the theater, because the government has made up the rule that the theater need to sell tickets according to the rating system. While in China, the situation is very different. Children can see any movie. I think the movie rating system is in need. As a kid, it is not suitable to watch too much violence and sex stuff in the screen. Some kids will be very curious and like to imitate, then some of them will do criminal things. Or some children will feel really bad after seeing the disgusting shots, which may have negative effect on them for a lifetime. Parents need to think of their children when they go to the theater.


People judge whether a person is smart by the IQ. Indeed, IQ can make people more outstanding, while EQ also plays the important role in helping people be favored by others. In my opinion, EQ is more needed by people. Today, the world gets globalized. It is impossible to live alone and make no connection with others. Good EQ can make us get along with others and create more chances to be successful. We can find that the successful people always have high EQ. They handle all kinds of relationship so well and everybody is willing to support them. So EQ helps people to feel happy.


Since I go to middle school, I have to learn many subjects. Though I am not the best student in class, but I won’t give up. I always tell myself to work hard, because if I want to compete with other students, I need to make great effort. People are easy to deny themselves when they face difficulty. If they fail one time, then they will doubt the effort they have made. Actually, we are not studying in vain. What we learn will be a great help to improve ourselves. The thing we learn decides what kinds of person we are. So don’t deny yourself, as you will see the value you have stored before in the future.


In foreigners’ eyes, most Chinese people eat cats and dogs, because the media always report the negative news about how we mistreat animals. In fact, most young people love animals and they have been educated to be a kind person all the time, so what the media reported is not all true. Still some people kill animals for eating or trading, and they have been condemned by the public strongly. Cats and dogs are our friends, and they deserved to be treated well. The reason that we should protect the animals is that we are protecting ourselves, because if they die out, human lose the balance and will face the disaster.


