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It’s not uncommon that some journalists make up false or misleading stories about celebrities, illnesses, crimes, etc. Take celebrities for example. The death of the famous writer Jin Yong appeared in several news reports recently, which proved to be false.   People may wonder why so many journalists cook up false stories.

More often than not, the reason is all about personal interests. Most journalists create misleading news in order to draw public attention so as to make themselves more popular or to win certain prizes. To achieve these goals, they try to get something out of nothing and rumour about famous figures regardless of those people’s privacy.   Now, it’s high time for China’s journalism supervisory bodies to deal with the false news reports. They should take stringent measures to prevent all possible false news. For instance, journalists who are found to manipulate news should be severely punished and could be banned from news writing for ten years or more.


More than seven percent of university studentssurveyed said that they have experiencedharassment from unidentified people on theircollege campuses.

The survey, which polled 601 students from over100 Chinese universities, revealed that 7.58 percentof the respondents had experienced harassment,according to an article in last Monday's edition ofChina Youth Daily.

Moreover, about 65.24 percent said they had heard of similar situations experienced by theirclassmates.

However, the article quoted some students as saying that in many cases victims dare not todirectly confront their harassers and many felt ashamed to tell their families or teachers.

Students surveyed also said that enhanced security is required on university campuses.

A total of 58.81 percent of the students said their campuses allow members of the public toenter freely, while 81.38 percent said universities should take measures to control entry.


The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country'scentral bank, announced last Monday that it has setup a fintech committee to enhance research,planning and coordination of work on financialtechnology.

In order to make strategic plans and provide policyguidance on fintech development, the PBOC said itwill further study its influence on monetary policy,financial markets, financial stability, payment andclearing.

"Fintech, or technology-driven financial innovation, has both injected vitality into financialdevelopment and brought new challenges to financial 

The central bank will devise a management mechanism for fintech innovation to handlerelations between security and development and guide the proper use of new technology in thefinancial field.

The central bank will also increase the use of regulatory technology, or "regtech," to boost itscapabilities in identifying, preventing and dissolving financial risks, including both cross-sectorand cross-market risks, with technology such as big data, artificial intelligence and cloudcomputing, it said.


For a nation that has remained relatively insulatedfrom the terrorist violence that roiled the continentin recent years, the sight of British troops patrollingmainland UK streets — one consequence of theterror threat level rising to “critical” — will come asa particular shock. It will raise the spectre of 20__  ,when Tony Blair sent 400 soldiers with armouredvehicles to Heathrow, and the dangerous years thatfollowed, when security services feared that theywere losing their grasp on the problem. The bombingof Manchester Arena on Monday night is redolent ofthat period. It is the worst terrorist attack on Britain since the July 7 London bombings morethan a decade ago and the worst-ever attack on Manchester and the north. But how new andadvanced was this atrocity?

Former officials of the National Counter Terrorism Office (NCTO) have suggested that the attackwas “sophisticated”. This is true, insofar as it represents a step up from the low-technologyvehicle and knife attacks seen in the UK over the past 12 years. Building a bomb is significantlyharder than procuring a van or a blade, and entails several steps — research, acquisition ofmaterials, and perhaps collaboration — that increase the probability of detection by theintelligence services.

Yesterday’s decision by MI5’s Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) to raise the threat levelfor international terrorism, meaning that an attack is expected imminently, probably reflectshome secretary Amber Rudd’s acknowledgment that 22-year-old Salman Abedi “likely?.?.?.?wasn’t doing this on his own”, that such a bomb would have required assistance, and that oneor more accomplices therefore remain on the loose.

The search for such individuals may be protracted: recall that Salah Abdeslam, participant inthe Paris attacks in November 2015, was only caught four months later, across the border inBrussels. After the 2016 Brussels bombings, it took 17 days for police to arrest severalsuspects. There is a strong possibility that the threat level will remain elevated through thegeneral election.

At the same time it is useful to assess this attack in a broader perspective. There was justone attacker, compared with the nine involved in Paris. There was one bomb, compared with thethree used in Brussels. The bomb, though designed to maximise shrapnel, and thereforeindicating more than rudimentary knowledge, was not one of the highly advanced non-metallic devices, capable of bypassing security screening, developed by al-Qaeda’s Yemenbranch in recent years, and which has prompted the most recent ban on laptops in cabinbaggage. The perpetrator was not carrying an assault rifle that might have allowed him tomaximise casualties before detonation. “As an island,” noted the National Crime Agency inNovember, “the UK is insulated from the relatively free flow of firearms which exists incontinental Europe”.

British police and intelligence agencies have also quietly signalled to gangs that eveninadvertent provision of weapons to jihadis would bring down crushing pressure. It isprofoundly troubling that a young man should have been able to build an explosive devicewithout the knowledge of his local community or the authorities, but in the context of moderninternational terrorism, this ranked midway on the scale of sophistication.

appears to have a preference for soft targets,” noted Europol’s 2016 terrorist trend report, “because they are more effective than attacks on critical infrastructure, the military, policeand other hard targets”. British security f

orces have factored in this risk for well over a decade.

Finally, Abedi could hardly be more typical of the modern European terrorist: a young, male,second-generation immigrant, drawn into gangs, and known to the authorities. This is a classicprofile. As the French scholar Olivier Roy has observed in the French context, there is a riskthat “second-generation immigrants neither want the culture of their parents nor a westernculture — both have become sources of their self-hatred”. Gang members, as the UK homeaffairs select committee reported in 2012, were part of a “critically vulnerable group because ofthe significant numbers of converts in gangs and the kind of ideology prevalent within thesegroups”. And, like so many others, Abedi was on the security services’ radar, albeit as afringe figure.

What is significant is that Abedi had returned from Libya “days ago”, and probably travelled toSyria too, according to French interior minister Gerard Collomb. He would be the first suchreturnee to conduct an attack in the UK. This will reignite the question of how securityservices can monitor the large number of returnees — possibly several hundred — with limitedresources.

The Manchester attack takes the UK into a period of uncertainty and insecurity. But we arebetter prepared than we were in 2003, when troops last marched out of the barracks; in 2005,when bombs struck London; or 2006, when the threat level first turned critical. The exactthreat may be uncertain, but its type is not unknown. 


As the developing of society,more and more people appeal to the society for the droit of women.In the society ,lots of women have received education equally,however,there seems that they face glass celing is wonted when they apply for a job.It is usually that our society would like to accept a boy rather than a girl ,even though the girl is excellent than her competitor.It is said that

female and male works in the position and does the same work in a company ,however their laborage will be discrepancy.

All men are created equall.It makes no doubt that woman should be treated the same as man. Whatever the government and the individual is supposed to eliminate the galss celing in the female’s way.We should keep one word in mind that”women are the mother of all the living”.We should treat woman equall,and give them their deference.


