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  1. 常用词或短语的高分替换


  In modern society, juvenile delinquency has been soaring in some major cities, the main reason for which, I suppose, is that teenagers nowadays are very likely to be spoiled by their parents. Besides, young people frequently exposed to violence in the mass media are more likely to commit a crime. Finally, the impact from their peers cannot be ignored since youngsters have not developed a sound system of judging what is right and what is wrong.


  Eg1: Many companies nowadays use modern communication technology to hold meetings. 在这句话中,划线部分use我们就可以用词组take advantage of来达到替换的效果。

  Eg2: When making a decision, people will consider many factors.

  同样地,看到consider这个词,马上可以想到take into account/consideration的替换结构。

  Eg3: The government should try to make public transportation better.

  The authorities are supposed to make great efforts to improve public transportation. 这句话中的替换结构就比较多,从government到authorities, 从should到be supposed to, 从try to do到make great efforts to, 最后从make sth better到improve的替换,都是一些常用的替换结构。

  Eg4: Poor students in countryside cannot get good education.

  Impoverished students in rural areas cannot afford a decent education.

  这个句子中也对poor, countryside, get, good进行了同义词的转换。所以说,如何做到减少重复性,积累一些基本的替换结构是非常必要的,不仅润色语言,而且词汇也不会显得太单一。

  2. 精彩合成词

  雅思写作中的合成词功力非常大,不仅是考试的一个加分亮点,也可使语言表达更加言简意赅。所以,积累一些合成词也是词汇得分的一大法宝。比如我们在表达playing computers is a waste of time的时候,浪费时间这个词就可以用time-consuming这个合成词来表达。同样地,在环境类考题中,如果想表示节约能源,简单地可以用save energy来表达,如果换成合成词,用energy-saving效果更佳,在此基础上,把节约的save换成conserve就更完美了,节约能源就可以表达为energy-conserving。常见的合成词还有以下几个:

  densely-populated region 人口密集的地区

  long-term effect 长期影响

  exam-oriented education 应试教育

  cross-culture communication 跨文化交流


  3. 副词的妙用


  Eg1: Taking physical exercise is beneficial for our physical and mental health.

  Taking physical exercise is physically and mentally beneficial for health.

  Eg2: The popularization of cross-nation tourism can improve the economy.

  The popularization of cross-nation tourism can be economically beneficial.

  Eg3: Using fertilizer is unfit for the preservation of ecological environment.

  Using fertilizer is ecologically unfit for the preservation of environment.

  Eg4: Governments should give financial support to those kids from a poverty-stricken family.

  Governments should be financially supportive to those kids from a poverty-stricken family.

  通过对比以上划线部分,可以看出,使用副词不仅可以避免一定程度上的重复,也可以让语言更加地道,基本技巧就是将句子的名词变成动词或者形容词,来达到被副词修饰的效果。还值得注意的是在副词的使用过程中,少用very, 多用准确的搭配。例如:

  Eg1: The shipping container transformed ocean shipping into a highly efficient, intensively competitive business.

  Eg2: They still heavily rely on nature to provide food and clothing.

  4. 词性转换

  在雅思写作中,通过词性转变来更加灵活地表达常常能达到意想不到的结果。这在小作文中十分常见,如peak at(达到最高点),bottom out at(达到最低点),level off(保持水平),skyrocket(急剧上升)等。例如:

  Eg1: Taking an unpaid work enables young people to adapt to the society better.

  Taking an unpaid work can strengthen young people’s adaptability.

  Eg2: Interactions between team members can not only improve interpersonal skills but also make individuals more accountable.

  Interactions between team members can not only improve interpersonal skills but also cultivate individual accountability.



