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  幸运的一天 A Lucky Day

  Today, early in the morning, I woke up very late, so I rushed to school. I found I forgot to bring the textbook while the class began. I was so worried. At this moment, my classmate took out her book and asked me to share it with her. I was so grateful. After class, I went home and went to a shop to buy some snacks. As my turn to pay money, I couldn't find my wallet after searching every corner of my schoolbag. I must forget to take it away from home. Then the boss who was an old kind man asked me to pay next time. He said I was his frequent customer, so he trusted me. I felt so warm to hear nice words from him. My mistake in the morning made me have a hard day, but I met the nice people around me. I was so thankful to them.


  健康与财富 Health and Wealth

  When the young people start their career, they will do everything to get the chance to help their career to make breakthrough, such as follow the business rules. They choose to drink as much as possible, which is over the limitation of their bodies. The coming wealth is based on the loss of health. The media reported the news about how the young people died of drinking a lot of alcohol. Their ambition made them to undertake the limitation. As a result, they died at the young age. There is no doubt that health overweighs wealth. If a rich people didn't have a sound body, how he can enjoy life. A man who has been badly ill will take special attention to the health. No matter how much money he is paid, he will turn down the invitation that hurts his body.


  父母与孩子的距离 The Distance Between Parents and Children

  Chinese parents are believed to be the most responsible parents in the world, they would do anything for their kids, such as washing their clothes and cleaning their bedroom just to let the children have more time to study. When the children grow up, the parents are willing to buy a house for them. While in the western countries, when the kids are above 16, parents expect them to move out, because both of them need personal space. I think there should be some distance between the old and the young, or the overprotection will do nothing good for both sides. It is important to learn to be independent for the children. Distance can create the chance to let them learn to deal with their stuffs and become mature. Parents should let go in the right time.


  给年轻女孩的建议 Suggestions For Young Girls

  People always advocate that men and women should be equal. Though the female has fought for the equal rights for a very long time, some young girls are not strong enough to get their rights. For them, as they are young, it is the best time to enrich themselves with all kinds of knowledge and be equipped with many practical skills. The most important thing is to be independent. The old generation believes that girls should rely on men and let their husbands make decisions, while for the young generation, if they want more rights, which means they must have their power. So girls need to stand on their own feet, no matter they are single or married. When they become independent, they can make their own choice and live the life they want.


  环境是如何被破坏的 How the Environment is Destroyed

  When I was very small, I lived in my hometown, where I spent a happy childhood. Every day, I went to the small river and caught fish with my friends. The river was so clean that I even could see fish swimming. When winter came, there would be a lot of bird flying in the sky. I looked at the sky and watched them heading south. But now when I go back to hometown, all I see is the trash, which is in the river and the country road. The beautiful nature has been polluted badly. In the small side, people throw rubbish away and cut the trees, thus the green is fading. In the big side, many industries chase the profit at the cost of polluting environment. In order to save the next generation, we need to return green to the world.


