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英语高中作文 篇1

放风筝 Flying Kites

Now I am in winter holiday, I am so happy, I can have fun with my friends. My friends and I make the deal that when the wind comes, we will go to the park and fly kites. Today the wind finally comes, after finishing breakfast, I go the park with my friends. We take out our kites, mine are butterfly, my friends are birds, all are so funny. I start to let my kite fly, but it could not, so I run faster and faster, then my kite flies, I go let go it gradually. A few minutes later, my friends’ kites are also flying. Seeing our kites flying, I feel so free. Today, I have a great time.


英语高中作文 篇2

I am going to Beijing. Although I haven’tset out, I have made my travel plan.

There are five days for me to travel. But Ionly have three days to have a good look of Beijing, because the first and thelast day I have to spend on the transportation. The first day, I will startearly to Guangzhou by bus and then take the plane for 1:00pm.

Then I can be Beijingabout 4:00pm. Then I will take the subway to my aunt’s home.

After a wholenight rest, I will go to climb the Great Wall the second day.

The third day, I willvisit Tian An Men, the Imperial Palace and the Summer Palace. In the evening, Iwill visit national stadium. The fourth day I will visit some old town in Beijingand eat some local food. The fifth day, I have to go back home. This is myplan.





英语高中作文 篇3

Previous two days suddenly blew the gale, the weather as soon asdropped 7, 8, morning lay down on the bed, look at outside the windowthe crazy undulation tree, a summer such has passed by, this was mylast summer vacation, this summer vacation was I in the home dull timelongest summer vacation, occasionally went to grandfather the family,exited except and the good friend plays is staying in the home,because began school late, finally two week also nobody accompanied meto exit plays, I unexpectedly one continually stayed in the home 5day, Lian Mendu had not left, Last the summer vacation harvests alsomany, I learned to prepare food, watched several Han play, althoughthe plot was approximately same, but or liked。Although all is therepetition similar life daily, but two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study!

英语高中作文 篇4

Save Water

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?

A poem:

Water has no taste at all.

Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall.

The pump.

The tap.

The well.

Water is everywhere around us.

Water is in the rain.

In the stream.

In the pond.

And in the river.

And in the sea again.

There isn’t much water on the earth. we must to save it. It is not inexhaustible.

It is very valuable.

英语高中作文 篇5


In our parents’ generation, there are less people have the eyesight problem, because the digital products were not so developed at that time, but nowadays, with the development of these products, more and more people have the problem of short eyesight. When I look around my classmates, I find only have few student don’t wear glass. People’s bad reading behavior makes their eyesight weaker, they can do the right things to correct it. First, we should not read in the dark situation. Many students like to read in the dark before they go to bed, it hurts the eye so much. Second, we should not stare at the book or the TV and computer in a long time, we need to take a rest every 40minutes, looking at the distance or the green color will ease our eyes. Eyes are window of our soul, we need to protect them.


英语高中作文 篇6

1. 对某人有礼貌 be polite to sb.

2.受某人喜爱 be popular with sb.

3. 占有,拥有 take possession of

4. 发电站 power station

5. 当权,执政 take power

6. 因为某事赞扬某人 praise sb. for sth.

7. 赞扬 in praise of

8. 出席会议 be present at a meeting

9. 眼下 at present

10. 互赠礼物 exchange presents

11. 在压力下 under pressure

12. 防止某人做某事 prevent sb. from doing

13. 以…为代价 at the price of

1. 无论花多少代价(不惜任何代价) at any price

15. 以…为自豪;对…感到得意 take pride in

16. 小学 primary school

17. 入狱,被监禁 go to prison

18. 在狱中服刑 be in prison

19. 将某人送进监狱 throw / put sb. into prison

20. 越狱 escape from prison

21. 解决问题 solve the problem

22. 回答问题 answer the question

23. 遵守诺言 keep one’s promise

2. 答应,许下诺言 make a promise

25. 以…自豪 be proud of

26. 养家糊口 provide food and clothes for one’s family

27. 公共事务 public affairs

28. 舆论 public opinion

29. 当众,公开 in public

30. 出版社 publishing house

31. 故意地 on purpose

32. 把…推到一边 push aside

33. 推倒,(风)刮倒 push over

34. 拖延,推迟 put off

35. 不可能 out of the question

36. 接力赛 a relay race

37. 通过无线电广播 on the radio

38. 衣衫褴褛,穿破衣服 in rags

39. 在火车站 at the railway station

40. 小(大)雨 light / heavy rain

41. 一线希望 a ray of hope

42. 伸手去拿 reach for sth.

43. 够不着 out of ones’ reach

44. 乐意干某事 be ready to do

45. 事实上 in reality

46. 实现希望 realize one’s hope

47. 为此,为此理由 for this reason

48. 接待处 reception desk

49. 参考;谈到 refer to

50. 留在某人的记忆中 remain in one’s memory

51. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. to do sth.

52. 使某人想起 remind sb. of sth.

53. 应…请求 by request

54. 因此,结果 as a result

55. 盛产;有大量的… be rich in

56. 除掉 get rid of

57. 抢走某人某物 rob sb. of sth.

58.. 起重要作用 play an important role

59. 扮演…的角色 play the role of

60. 给…腾出地方 make room for

61. 对某人无礼 be rude to sb.

62. 用完 run out of

63. 高峰时间,拥挤时间 rush hour

64. 满足某人的'需要 satisfy one’s needs

65. 节省体力 save one’s strength

66. 也就是说 that is to say

67. 为某事责备某人 scold sb. for sth.

68. 就座,坐下 take one’s seat

69. 不让人知道某事,保密 keep sth. a secret

70. 抓住小偷的衣领 seize a thief by the collar

71. 与某人握手 shake hands with sb.

72. 店员;营业员 shop assistant

73. 领某人出去/进来 show sb. out / in

74. 炫耀 show off

75. 对岸;在…另一面 on the other side of

76. 支持某人(方) take the side of

77. 站在…一边 take sides in

78. 看不见 lose sight of

79. 看到,发现 catch sight out

80. 看不见 out of sight

81. 静静地 in silence

82. 和…类似的 be similar to

83. 单程票 single ticket

84. 量…的大小(尺寸) take the size of

85. 偷偷塞给某人一张纸条

86. slip a note into one’s hand

87. 在雪地上滑倒 slip on the snow

88. 克服困难 smooth away difficulties

89. 大约 or so

90. 与…有关系 have something to do with

91. 国歌 the national song

92. 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说 speak out

93. 发言,演讲 make a speech

90. 以…的速度 at a speed of

95. 平方公里 square kilometers

96. 代表,象征 stand for

97. 饿死 starve to death

98. 处于良好状态 in a good state

99.逐步地,一步一步地 step by step

100. 遵守诺言 stick to one’s word / promise

英语高中作文 篇7

My Plan for Winter Holiday How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is coming. I make a general plan for it. Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time. I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends. Generally, we study together but have little time to play. During the holiday, we want to have fun together. Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them. I haven’t seen them for a long time. I miss them very much. This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours?


英语高中作文 篇8

Luxuriant it gives us boundless endless fun. A long summer vacation to supply the vast reveals itself for the classmates of the stage. And plans to use the summer vacation time, has become our current begin to should do.

One, scientific and reasonable to develop a plan of summer vacation work.

Amount of work in the holiday, want to do the work. To put these job screening, mediation, according to the summer fair time settling, draw up a table "" summer deeds. All the cruel deeds should be carried out in accordance with the "schedule", but still need to be careful mix.

Second, serious review, welcome to scholarship test

This test is after the summer vacation the first put a summary of the semester, summer vacation, want to put the first semester studies the entire contents of the seriously review again, and to formulate a "review schedule. For good measure.

Third, develop my funny hobbies, growth of my specialty.

According to my funny hobby, takes an active part in all kinds of funny Hong shed organized group, such as: painting, calligraphy, music, English, journalism skills, grasp the skills, as to lay a foundation for the growth of the letters patent day.

Fourth, study diligently, careful accumulation, longer than writing, used motor

Manipulation of the heat I visit a few good books as points. Such as: national classics, history allusions, good books and periodicals, fables, fairy tales, etc., progress I browse ability and writing level, edify sentiment.

Else, might as well also active in the summer sports refined, help parents do more housework, experience to meet the social actual deeds... Only seize the opportunity to reveal themselves constantly, expand the line of sight, to be healthy growth.

英语高中作文 篇9



I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______.

The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first

place,_________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition,____________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to ___________(抱怨的`方面给你带来的后果).

I appreciate it very much if you could________(提出建议和请求), preferably __________(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

英语高中作文 篇10

When I was small, I fell in love with tennis, so I like to watch tennis match so much.

Today, the tennis players have extended their career time, before, most of them will retire around 30 years old, because it is old enough for an athlete.

But now, we can see many tennis players still continue their career after they are 30 years old, such as Roger Federer and Serena Williams.

Both of them are keeping the top situation, they are not young enough, but they still the best ones.

The age is not the excuse for people to stop moving on, some may say he can’t do well because he is not young enough, in my opinion, it is bullshit. It is never too late to learn, the horrible thing is people have given up the chance to try. So let’s take action, no more excuse.



