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  The university will spend money on the dormitory to improve the life quality of students. Which of the following do you think is the best way?

  1) Providing a room for quiet study

  2) Building an exercise room

  3) Providing entertainment place (watch film)


  If a university wants to improve the quality of life for the students, it should install an exercise room in each dormitory. Exercise balances out a quiet lifestyle based on studying(运动万能句). An exercise room could contain equipment that is impossible to keep in a dorm room, give students as safe place to work out, and provide an opportunity to meet people with the same interests.

  分论点1:运动对学生很重要Exercise is essential for students, but often they neglect working out and focus only on studies. An exercise room in the dormitory would be easily accessible, so would encourage students to take a short break to keep their bodies fit. An exercise room could contain equipment such as weight benches and stationary bicycles(器械名称积累) that are too big to keep in the individual dorm room or too expensive to buy or transport from home. An exercise room, therefore, would be a great investment for the university because it would provide the students with training facilities that they would not otherwise have access to without leaving the campus.

  分论点2:保障学生安全A dormitory exercise room is also a wise idea because students would have a safe place to work out. The university could ensure that the equipment is clean and operating properly. On top of that, students would not have to leave the building to work out. Staying inside benefits the students in two ways. 原因1:避免路途中发生危险First, they do not have to worry about walking alone, possibly late at night when classes are over. That way they do not have to risk trouble with strangers or people following them. 原因2:避免温度变化引起生病Second, they are not exposed to a severe change in temperature. For example, working out in a warm place and stepping outside in the winter, a person can become sick. Such problems are prevented by staying in the same building.

  分论点3:有助于社交Another reason to have an exercise room is to encourage students tointeract with each other(社交万能句). Students may find it fun to exercise together, urging each other on. Students who enjoy exercising can meet each other and become friends. If the students only exercise on their own, they may not realize that someone else has the same interests. Even if they live in the same dorm, they might not have the same classes, and therefore, not have any reason to speak to each other. A common bond of working out together could be formed if the university installed exercise rooms.

  An exercise room allows students to work out on equipment they can’t bring from home in asafe environment with other students who enjoy the same activities. Therefore, adding an exercise room is a great investment for a university.

  balance out


  work out


  on top of that


  to risk trouble with _X

  冒着与 _X 产生麻烦的风险

  a severe change in temperature


  urge each other on




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  In order to success in study or job, the ability to adjust or adapt to changing condition or circumstance is more important than having knowledge.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  For success in work or school, it is more important to be able to adapt to new circumstances than to have specific knowledge.

  While knowledge is of course needed to get a job done, a person who can adapt well can find the information needed to succeed. A person does not need to know everything as long as he knows how to find answers. This point is made clear through a simple situation: a person needs to make a telephone call. The person can remember the telephone number and make the call. However, a person without that knowledge can still make the call if he is flexible enough to search for the phone number from a friend, a phone book, the internet, or other resource. It is clear that ability to learn is more effective than knowing the answer when an unfamiliar phone number is needed.

  A person who can adapt can also bring new innovations to a workplace. Instead of just following the same pattern that everyone else uses, the adaptable personcan see better ways to complete tasks. For example, he could streamline processes or simplify procedures so that time and money is saved. The person is a much more valuable asset to the company than a person who sticks to routine. The adaptable person is therefore more likely to be promoted or given pay raisesbecause of his productivity.

  Finally, an adaptable person can better handle crises or unexpected situations. Even if he does not have specific answers, he can react quickly and capably in an emergency. A dramatic example is when a fire breaks out in the building. A person who does not adapt well may panic or freeze. Alternately, he may stubbornly try to complete a task such as shutting down his computer before fleeing the building. By contrast, the adaptable person does not need to know procedures to use unfamiliar fire extinguishing equipment, seek safety, or help others find their way out of the building. This ability to deal with problems helps in ordinary situations such as organizational restructuring or transfers, too.

  The ability to adapt helps a person succeed in many aspects of work and regular life. The person can solve problems, create more productive systems, and react effectively in new situations. Therefore, the ability to adapt is more important than having specific knowledge.


  knowledge is of course needed to get a job done 完成工作当然需要知识

  the adaptable person 适应性强的人

  streamline processes 精简流程

  simplify procedures 简化程序

  stick to routine 坚持常规

  pay raises 涨薪

  react quickly and capably in an emergency 在紧急情况下反应迅速和敏捷



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment; Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.

  Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  范文1:Argument 1 (for)

  Children today rely too much on technology for entertainment. If children played with simple toys or spent time outside with friends, they would be physically healthier, be better at social interactions, and would have a working basis for many practical sciences.

  分论点1:有助于健康 Probably the most obvious benefit of stepping away from technology and into the outdoors is an increase in physical activity, which directly transfers to increased health.Countless studies have shown that excessive sitting and watching a screen leads to obesity, heart disease, and other disorders(不运动的坏处). If kids are restricted in their use of technology, they will have to move more. They will have better eye-hand coordination from manipulating toys and throwing balls; they will have more muscle tone from running and riding bicycles or balancing on skateboards. Increased activity directly translates into increased physical health(运动的益处万能句).

  分论点2:有助于社交Another reason that children should be encouraged to use less technology is so that they increase their social skills. If children interact, they naturally learn basic skills such as sharing and taking turns(社交的益处万能句1). In addition, their compassion and understanding will also grow(社交的益处万能句2). Children who interact with each otherbecome more articulate in speaking and expressing a wide range of ideas(社交的益处万能句3). Such opportunities do not exist when the child is hidden inside the house playing video games; such interaction is only possible face-to-face. Therefore, children should be encouraged to play with each other rather than entertaining themselves using technology.

  分论点3:有助于积累经验 A final benefit of using simple toys is that children get a wide range of experiences that form the backbone of later study about sciences such as physics and engineering. By playing with blocks, bicycles, and balls, kids learn about balance, velocity, and gravity. Of course, the kids are not mastering the math behind the principles. However, they are developing a sound working knowledge that will help them understand the concepts in a way that they cannot do in the unreal world of video games where magic and fantasy are commonplace.

  Playing with friends and simple toys, children become physically fit, develop social skills, and create a foundation for later study of the sciences. Therefore, children should be encouraged to spend more time doing such activities rather than entertaining themselves with technology.

  step away from


  eye-hand coordination


  take turns


  become articulate in _X

  在 _X 方面变得清晰

  form the backbone of _X

  构成了 _X 的基础

  in a way that YYY

  以一种 YYY 的方式



  A government plans to spend money for all adults over 25-year-old to take a training course about the most up-to-date skills for the workplace. Do you think it is an effective plan? Why or why not?


  I think that it would be an effective use of money if the government paid for all adults over 25 years old to take training courses to update their work skills. Although such a program would involve certain expenses, the benefits for individuals and society would outweigh any negatives associated with a well-run continuing education program.

  First, I want to qualify that such a program would be optional rather than mandatory. People who do not want to take classes would likely not pay attention or would avoid attending, wasting money that could be better spent elsewhere. Therefore, the program should be optional for anyone who is truly interested in improving skills. It is good for the government to offer such a program for all adults rather than to ones in certain fields or holding certain ranks. That way, the government ensures that everyone has a fair chance to develop without prejudice. For example, if only managers could participate, it might limit the average worker’s ability to advance to higher levels.

  It is also important that the skills offered in the program are relevant to the individual’s career path and interests. Given such a program, adults could perform their duties better. They would be more efficient and productive. Companies would have a larger pool of trained workers to draw upon for all departments. Especially in this world of rapidly-changing technology and innovative new equipment and materials, it is important that workers learn the newest methods rather than stagnate. Workers with the latest knowledge in the field would be positioned to further development and increase production.

  If production increases, the economy will prosper. Businesses can thrive as people make goods and services and earn salaries that allow them to buy those products, creating an upward spiral.

  If all adults improve work skills, not only the marketing sector but also such areas as the arts and health-care sectors will improve. Lives will be enriched on all levels by better entertainment and better standards of living. The government benefits from increased income from taxes. At the same time, it has decreased expenses related to caring for the unemployed or sick.

  By paying for adults to take training courses relevant to their jobs, the government creates a win-win situation in which the workers are able to find jobs and perform them efficiently. Productive companies lead to a strong economy that is able to support its own government. Therefore, governments should consider financing training courses for all adults.


  well-run 运行良好的

  be optional for 可选择的

  draw upon 利用

  rapidly-changing 急剧变化的

  upward spiral 螺旋式上升

  benefits from X 从X受益

  relevant to 相关的












