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The Return of Hong Kong香港回归

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The Return of Hong Kong(香港回归)

      June 30th, 1997                   Monday  Fine      On the stroke of midnight, as July 1st, 1997 begins, Hong Kong will return to its home. The whole nation is celebrating the return in different ways. All my family sat before TV, watching the Hong Kong handover ceremony. When I saw the Chinese national flag rising and Chinese leader,Jiang Zemin making a speech, I was deeply moved.     As we all know, Hong Kong was originally a part of China in history.But after the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the Qing government and made it a separate colony of Britain. Now our country is becoming politically and economically powerful day by day. This is why Hong Kong can return to China today. I' m determined to study hard and make contributions to our country's development in the future.

    1997年6月30日    星期一    晴    在午夜钟声敲响的时候,1997年7月1日开始了,香港将回归到母亲的怀抱。举国上下正以不同的方式庆祝回归。我们全家人坐在电视机前观看香港政权交接仪式。当我看到中国国旗升起、国家领导人江泽民发表讲话时,我被深深地打动了。    众所周知,在历史上香港原本就是中国的一部分。但是鸦片战争后英帝国主义者把它从清政府手中夺走,变成了英国的殖民地。现在我们的祖国在政治上和经济上正日益强大,这就是香港今天能够回归中国的原因。我下定决心要努力学习,将来为祖国的发展做出贡献。

     June 30th, 1997                Monday   Fine     On the stroke of midnight, as July 1st, 1997 begins, the exciting moment is coming -- Hong Kong will return. Now the whole nation is in jubilation. All my family sat in front of TV to watch the Hong Kong handover ceremony. Seeing the Chinese national flag rising and Chinese president making a speech, I was deeply moved.     As is well known, Hong Kong was originally a part of China in history.After the Opium War, the British imperialists stole it from the corrupt Qing government and made it a colony of Britain. But from now on Hong Kong will no longer be a colony but "a Special Administrative Region" (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. Its return owes to our powerful country.She is becoming politically and economically powerful day by day. I'm determined to study hard and make contributions to our country's development in the future.

    1997年6月30日    星期一    晴    在午夜钟声敲响的时候,1997年7月1日开始了,激动人心的时刻到采了——香港回归了。现在举国欢腾。我们,全家人坐在电视机前观看香港政权交接仪式。看到中国国旗升起、国家主席江泽民发表讲话,我被深深地打动了。    众所周知,在历史上香港原本就是中国的一部分。鸦片战争后英帝国主义者把它从腐败的清政府手中夺走,成为英国的殖民地。但是明天香港不再是殖民地而是中华人民共和国的特别行政区。香港的回归归功于我们强大的祖国,她在政治和经济上正日益强大。我下定决心要努力学习,将来为祖国的发展做出贡献。

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The Return of Hong Kong香港回归
