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The Bright Light明亮的灯光

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The Bright Light(明亮的灯光)

     Every night I pass by my neighbor's window, I can see the bright light through it. The light looks especially bright coming from the deep dark night.     One night at about eleven o'clock,  it happened that I had something urgent to tell my neighbor. So I went to their house. When I entered the room,  I saw a thin girl absorbed in studying. I was informed that she was very industrious but failed in the CollegeEntrance Examination last year. Even so, she never gave up and was encouraged to go on studying hard and try again. Every day she would study hard in the light until late into the night. Therefore, the bright light was not only a companion to her but also a proof of her diligence.     A few days later, I met her again. She told me that even if she couldn't pass the College Entrance Examination,  she would never give up studying. When she said this, I saw the bright light and began to understand the saying "Where there is a will, there is a way."

    每晚路过邻家,我都能望见那透过窗户的明亮灯光。在漆黑的深夜里,灯光越发显得明亮。    一天晚上大约11点钟,我有急事找邻居,因此我去了他家。当我进入邻居家时,看见一个瘦小的女孩正在专心致志地学习。后来得知她虽然很勤奋,但是去年高考不幸落榜。但她毫不放弃,继续努力学习,准备再考。每天她都在灯下学到深夜。这明亮的灯光成了她的伴侣,也成了她刻苦努力的见证人。    几天后,我又一次与她相遇了。她告诉我即便考不上大学,她也不放弃学习。她的话发人深思,让我看到了光明,真正明白了“有志者,事竟成”这句谚语的含义。

     I usually come home late at midnight. Every night I pass by my neighbor's window, I can see the bright light through it.     One Tuesday night I came home late as usual. When I unlocked the door, I found a note saying,  "One of your friends has left you something important in my house. Your neighbor." Since the light was on, I went to knock at the door. Entering the house, I found a young lady of eighteen or so absorbed in her study. I learnt from her mother that she failed in the College Entrance Examination last year. Even so, she never gave up and was encouraged to go on studying hard and try again. The bright light was not only a companion to her but also a proof of her diligence.      A few days later, I met her again. We had a talk for a while and she told me that even if she couldn't succeed ,  she wouldn't give up studying. When she said this, I saw that bright light and began to understand the saying "Where there is a will, there is a way."

    我通常午夜时分才回家。每晚从邻居家经过,都会看见那透过窗户的明亮灯光。    一个星期二的晚上,我像平时一样回来很晚。开门时看见一张纸条上写着:“你的一位朋友将一些重要的东西放在我家了。你的邻居。”看见灯还亮着,我就去敲门。进到房里,我看见一位十八岁左右的姑娘正在专心致志地学习。从她母亲那儿,我得知她去年高考落榜了。但她并不放弃,仍旧努力学习,准备再试一次。这明亮的灯光不仅是她的伴侣,而且是她勤奋的证明。

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The Bright Light明亮的灯光
