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  In daily life, and you could see the phenomenon of food waste. Perhaps you did not realize they are wasting, and perhaps you think this little bit of nothing to waste, maybe you still think our country with vast land. But the fact is: China's population has more than 1.25 billion, the annual net increase is 12 million; per capita arable land area of ??1.2 acres, is the world's per capita value of 1 / 4; the current arable land at an annual rate of more than 30 million mu of delivery; National 40% of the urban population consumed food imports. From 1981-1995, the national total of 8100 mu of cultivated land decreased, thus reducing the production of 500 billion kilograms of grain. And now to reduce the speed is still accelerating. Unauthorized occupation of cultivated land, dredging, land degradation, desertification and other phenomena in the encroached land. Absolute reality can not be optimistic! Save food, is the obligation of every citizen, not that your life is better, you can afford to waste a waste. Waste is a shameful act. As long as there is awareness of conservation, in fact, doing it very simple: how much to eat a meal containing the number, do not throw leftovers; a la carte meal in a restaurant should be moderate, rather than show off, mess stretch. Remember: save food from me.

  1986 Fifth World Food Survey results: 112 developing countries (excluding China and other socialist countries) in the period 1979-1981 with 3.35-4.49 million people are malnourished. United Nations Population Fund (IMF) announced the early 1980s, when world cereal production could feed 6 billion people. But at the same time, the world's population only 45 million or so, but there are 450 million people go hungry. In 1995, world population growth to 57 million hungry population to 10 million. In 1972, for two consecutive years because of global climate anomalies caused by crop failure, coupled with the former Soviet Union a large number of buying grain, there has been a worldwide food crisis, Food and Agriculture Organization in 1973 and 1974, have held the first and Second Food Conference, in order to arouse the world, especially the third world attention to food and agricultural production problems. However, the problem has not been resolved, but the world food situation is more serious. It was predicted that in the 1980s world food shortages will trend. Food and Agriculture Organization of the General Assembly Resolution on World Food Day, is the world's food supply and demand in the context of an increasingly sharp made.

  A waste of shame, in a sense is simply "criminal." Insist everything, save from the start bit, in particular, need to adhere to. Can be one or two days a year, two years? A longer time? Not just for food, let the savings into conscious, become a habit. Moreover, in the Long March, there are many martyrs died because of cold and hunger. Therefore, we must save food, or how worthy of those martyrs who we do?


  Today, we can see in the trash only had one bite of bread, it is easy to see the students did not eat meals. Are we really that adequate food, inexhaustible it?

  The answer is no doubt: it is not. In the 1980s, the world's population only 45 million, there are 450 million people could go hungry, that there is 1 in 10 people in the individual can not be food and clothing. This data is alarming, from planting to harvest many types Road program, how much hard work, sweat, how many pairs of hungry eyes ... ... and then the desire to look back, how many luxurious hand, the hot white rice into the trash really matter who ignored, as are distressed!

  Long a child with my grandfather to see the red mark drama "Chen Geng general" in the middle there is a story about food. Red Army march through the grass when the very lack of food, a half kilogram nine orphans still not been formally recognized the Red Army, it is because he is too young to reason. But is such a small Red Army, had grass in their own pitiful when food given to those wounded, and give to the soldiers who carried a stretcher. Bulging bag of dry food he has been recited, and often carrying people to "steal" the mouth. CEOs this also criticized him, saying he consciousness is not high. Until nine half kilogram of starvation on the grass, when we discovered that he put the bag of dry food is a cow covered with teeth marks on bones. Nine half kilogram really can not stand when hungry often carrying you, eat two bites at the head bone. In that particular historical period, a food may save a soldier's life, and nine half kilogram of the students wish to leave to someone else, this little story of soldiers deeply shocked me, I understand food importance.

  Save food, not just a slogan, not only because we all call and call, and we hope it is a complex, rooted in the hearts of you and me to consciously done, save food, from my start, starting from the side, start now!


  Many countries in the world are faced with the problems of an increasing population and a shortage of food.

  There are a number of possible solutions to the problem, but none of them is easy. Firstly, governments could discourage people from having large families. Why not have just one child?

  Secondly, farming methods in those countries are very simple and often inefficient. If the people bought new agricultural machinery, modernized their farming methods and developed more land, they might soon produce enough food for their needs.

  Thirdly, many countries have natural resources such as oil, wood or iron. These could be exported so that food could be imported.

  All of these possible solutions simplify the problem. But they show that, if people mean to solve the problems of increasing population and food shortages, there are ways of doing it.


  How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin. They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there's probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are hungry.So why don't they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules! Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people's sunday lunches and leftovers), there's no "well let's give it to the beggars!".Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food. Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.


  In the college canteen, you had to eat a few mouthfuls of bread thrown on the table? Whether to eat a few mouthfuls of food drained? ... The students ... students will partner management survey found that on average five students have a half-bowl too small to be drained vegetables, drained 1 / 3 bowl of food the students more. Soon it filled swill bucket. Watch full bucket full bucket of leftovers, it is pity.

  "Please save food" and other large banner, although the warning signs hung in the cafeteria in the striking position, but the food could not escape the bad luck of being wasted, however, when we carelessly throw away a piece of bread, when we think the world has There are many parents may be a meal for the family food and hard to run around?

  So it really is enough food? In fact, in developing countries every five people will have a long-term malnutrition, 20 percent of the population in developing countries, food insecurity, famine has become Earth's No. 1 killer, killing 10 million people per year on average life, directly or indirectly because of malnutrition around the world every four seconds, one person was killed!

  Community food situation distressing, so many people are dying due to the brink of starvation, to radically change consumer attitudes, food worth in today's college students to save food for thought.

  "Calendar view worthies country and family, as the thrift broken by the extravagance." Students, as soon as possible to allow poor families from hunger, let us continue to carry forward the hard work, thrift fine style, with thrift proud ashamed to waste, corruption, extravagance and consciously resist the wind, from the subtle to start with the actual action to do the construction of "conservation-oriented campus," the leaders, to build a civilized, harmonious and make due contributions to the campus!



