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University Courses(大学课程)

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University Courses(大学课程)

       University Courses             Many young people go to universities without a clear idea of what they are going to do. If one considers the various courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to him. If a student goes to a university to acquire a broader perspective of life, he will undoubtedly benefit. Schools often have too restrictive an atmosphere. Most students would, I believe, profit by the exploration of different academic studles, especially the "all rounders'with no particular interest.They should have a longer time to decide in what subject theywant to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and regret.     There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of one's time at university. Some students,who are good at a particular branch of learning, may spend three or four years becoming a specialist, appearing with a first-class Honors Degree but very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about. Therefore there will have to be much more detailed information in all fields. On the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever-increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.

大学课程    很多年轻人进入大学,却并不清楚自己究竟想要做些什么。看一看学校提供的种类繁多的课程,不难发现,学生选择适合自己的课程的确不是一件易事。如果一个学生上大学是为了得到更广阔的生活前途,他无疑会受益匪浅。然而,学校的气氛常常很让人拘束。我相信,很多学生,特别是那些没有什么特殊爱好的“全能型学生”通过对不同学术研究的探索会收获颇多。学生们应该有更多的时间决定他们真正想要获得学位的学科,以致于在以后的生活中,他们回首往事时不会后悔。    当然,问题的另一方面就是如何充分利用大学时光。有些学生在某一特定学科非常优秀,在这三四年中他可能成为该领域的专家,获得头等荣誉学位,然而对其他领域的知识却所知甚少。所以大学课程应该包含更多所有领域的详细知识。一方面,很多专家对自己学科之外的事情一无所知,另一方面,越来越多专业知识过硬的毕业生走向工作岗位,可惜的是,这些知识在工作中却并不实用。

University Courses(大学课程)
