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Ways of Losing Weight(减肥方法)

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Ways of Losing Weight(减肥方法)

    Ways of Losing Weight      Some people don't mind being fat. In some countries a round stomach is nothing to beashamed of. There is a West African saying:  "Laugh and grow fat." Other people can keep slim without any effort. But a lot of people do put on ,too much weight and don't like it. The question is, What do they do about it?     Some people put their faith in exercise. But the trouble with exercise is that it only works up an appetite. Others believe in slim pills and special clothes that make you sweat. It would be nice if they worked, but they don't.     The only reliable solution is dieting. But what sort of diet? There are the extremists who believe in a dramatic, thorough-going attack on their waistline by eating nothing. There is another theory that if you eat things like hard boiled eggs,apples with their skins on, and lean meat which are hard to digest, that the more you eat, the thinner you get. This is because you use up the fat in your body to get the energy to digest the food. For most of us these methods are too extreme or too eccentric. The simplest system is just to cut down on the carbohydrates or, if possible, to cut them right out.

减肥方法    有些人不介意自己肥胖。在有些国家中有个圆鼓鼓的肚子没什么丢人的。西非就有这么一句谚语:“心宽体胖”。另外有些人不必费劲就能保持苗条身材。但是很多人确实体重过高,而且不喜欢这样。问题是:他们对此能做些什么呢?    有些人相信运动。但运动的问题在于那只能刺激食欲。另一些人相信减肥药和使你出汗的特殊衣物,这些东西如果能起作用当然不错,但它们不起作用。    唯一可靠的方法就是注意饮食。但什么样的饮食呢?有些极端主义者相信通过不吃东西对他们的腰围开展剧烈全面的进攻。还有另外一种理论认为如果食用诸如煮硬的鸡蛋,带皮的苹果和难消化的瘦肉,吃得越多就会越瘦。这是因为你用光了体内的脂肪以得到能量来消化食物。对我们多数人而言,这些方法都过于极端或过于奇怪。最简便的方法只需降低碳水化合物的食用,可能的话,完全停止食用。

Ways of Losing Weight(减肥方法)
