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2019年12月以来,湖北省武汉市持续开展流感及相关疾病监测,发现多起病毒性肺炎病例,均诊断为病毒性肺炎/肺部感染,今天小编给大家带来高二英语作文关于新冠疫情的作文 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


Recently, an epidemic named "new type of coronavirus pneumonia" has spread widely among the population. All the infected people will have symptoms such as fever, cough, expectoration and fatigue. If it is serious, it will cause life danger. This virus was originally transmitted from Wuhan. But why did it spread from Wuhan? This is because in the market of South China in Wuhan, it is illegal to resell the game infected with the virus. It is the greed of some people that makes the ecology of nature out of balance, and human beings suffer from this fate.


In these days when the virus appears, there are such a group of people who are not afraid of infection. They rush to the front line, devote themselves to work silently, protect the health of patients silently, and even some people fall in the front line with the virus. They wear white clothes, and they heal people. These people are medical workers who are called angels in white. They never give up fighting pneumonia, even in the new year, in such a grand festival of family reunion, they still fight in their jobs. Although they can't be reunited with their relatives, they don't regret it, because there are more patients waiting for them to treat them, and the doctors are kind-hearted. Isn't it "rare in the world"?


Through the small TV screen, I saw a lot of touching pictures, including a doctor in order to protect his family and consciously isolate himself from his family. When his white haired mother came to visit, he could only see each other through the glass of the iron door, which made me cry. Mother's love is selfless. Family's love in front of the war is small love, while doctors are helping patients and controlling the spread of the virus is big love. In fact, doctors and nurses all know the dangers and difficulties faced in the "war" with the virus, but they are still retrograde and guarding the patients. What a great spirit it is!


Of course, from this epidemic, I also saw the strength of the motherland, the unity of the people, and many medical staff struggling to fight against the virus. What they put into the blood for the patients is not only the medicine for curing the disease and saving people, but also full of deep love.


What makes me most proud is that my mother is also a doctor. Although she didn't go to the front line, I adored and admired her spirit of curing illness and saving lives. Mom is always the last one to go home because of work. I remember just a few days ago, it was rare for our family to have a reunion dinner together. As soon as Mom sat down to eat, the phone rang. It was from a patient. The voice on the phone was very anxious. After explaining the illness, mom immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks and picked up her coat to go out. Grandma and grandpa loved their daughter very much and said, "I'll go after dinner. It's not bad for a while." "Mother said:" the patient's condition is serious, I have to go to see if he has a fever, come back to eat it Then she quickened her pace and rushed to her job. Although my mother's work is very busy, I don't have much time to accompany me, but I don't blame her. On the contrary, I always envy my mother when she treats her patients.


The image of my mother Wei'an is fixed in my heart, which also makes me understand that love home is small love, and patriotism is big love. When doctors and nurses treat patients, they know that the disease is a tiger. The tiger can eat people, but it can rush up and send warmth to patients against danger. This is responsibility and great love! When I grow up, I will also like my mother, become a soldier guarding the motherland. In the state-owned war, I will return and win!



This Spring Festival is very quiet. Without the bustle of the past, people stay at home and dare not go out. It's better to have no one in the street than an empty city.


The novel coronavirus brought this quiet, which is better than SARS in 2003, but more brutal than SARS. Today, it has ruthlessly taken 812 lives in China. The whole of China is immersed in the fear of the virus. The origin of novel coronavirus in Wuhan is also the most serious area of epidemic development. People all over the country are watching the news of the epidemic every day. Although people all over the country do not leave home, their hope that the infected people will get better soon has already spread all over the country. Infected people are quarantined, we are quarantined from the virus but not from love. This love permeates the streets and lanes, and it condenses in everyone's heart.

是新型冠状病毒带来了这安静,它胜似2003年的非典,但比非典更残酷。至今日它无情的夺走了 国内812人的生命。整个中国沉浸在病毒带来的恐惧中。武汉市新型冠状病毒的起源地,也是当今疫情发展最严重的地区。全国人民每天都在关注着疫情的消息。虽然全国人民都足不出户,但他们希望感染的人们早日好起来的心早已散满全国。感染的人被隔离了,我们隔离了病毒但不隔离爱。这爱在大街小巷弥漫,这情凝聚在每个人心中。关于战胜疫情的英语作文

On New Year's Eve, everyone was reunited with his family at home, eating New Year's Eve dinner and smiling happily. But this year's new year, those angels in white did not go home, but fought in the front line. It was a war without smoke of gunpowder. They insisted on fighting in the front line, fearless of life and death. At that time, there were still many family members from other areas who went to Wuhan to support and fight against the epidemic with local medical staff. They are the husband and wife of the wife. They are the children of their parents and the parents of their children. They are part of the family. Parting, is full of reluctant, that tears contain as children, as parents of reluctant. But they are for the sake of the motherland, for the sake of the people, for the sake of unity, to fight against the epidemic, to contribute to the motherland, to fight against the epidemic, to contribute to a love. They don't know whether they are going to live or die. Just like soldiers in ancient times, there is a great difference between life and death. They leave their small home for everyone and set foot on the journey without hesitation and never regret it. I really hope that they can return safely, overcome the epidemic and protect the Chinese people.


Many people, supporting Wuhan, have donated finance to Wuhan. Masks have become an urgent need of people. Those who make protective equipment work day and night, and never stop. I only hope that the epidemic will come to an end soon and the infected people will recover soon.


We are together to prevent and control the epidemic. Today the wind and rain pass, tomorrow will still be very good. .yyzw.com


Those experts, who have been working hard, hope to work out anti-virus drugs as soon as possible. They work day and night to make a contribution to the war without smoke of gunpowder and to eliminate the harm brought by the epidemic situation to us as soon as possible. Everyone is acting, in order to be able to reproduce the prosperity of the motherland, I hope the blue sky is still blue.


Unite as one, fight against the epidemic, you and I side by side, fight together, come on, Wuhan!


Come on, Wuhan! Go China!



Novel coronavirus is jittery in every city during the Spring Festival, which is supposed to be a festive day. When I came to the railway station, I saw that there was something more in the flow of people that was still like the tide - masks, a tense atmosphere, which filled the crowd. My parents and I went back home in a depressed atmosphere.


On New Year's Eve, I turned on the TV as usual to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and watched it for more than half an hour. Suddenly, an unexpected program caught the whole family's eyes and deeply moved us. On the screen, there was the hospital background of Wuhan city. Doctors and nurses were wearing white protective clothing, and their faces were wearing plastic transparent covers integrated with clothing. They were fighting against the virus and life danger Time race. With the host reciting "love is a bridge", I felt a torrent in my heart. I kept bumping and bumping. I knew that the program was added temporarily because of the severe situation. Although it had not been rehearsed, it still made many people cry. No one in the hospital would want to hide, no one would be lazy, no one would want to make a phone call with his family They regard those suffering compatriots as their parents and children, and they are determined to save these patients just like their families.


Novel coronavirus was also seen in mobile phone. When I saw the news on the phone, I saw hundreds of excavators, which were being started at the same time. During the rest time, the workers were in the stars and the moon. They built a more than 20000 square meter hospital in six days. They were specially treated with new coronavirus patients. They gave up the rest, the relaxation, the reunion with their families. The weather was so cold that people were shivering. However, the construction site was so hot that everyone fought for work, time, fate and death. .yyzw.com


This is my most unforgettable winter vacation, the most unforgettable new year and the most unforgettable spring festival. I salute the heroes who helped us pass the customs in our new year. It is the front line with them, happiness will closely follow us, relying on them will be able to defeat the virus, this will be my lifetime memories.



This novel coronavirus made me a different new year.


Since the discovery of the virus in December 2019, it was not until January 2020 that people knew that it was a highly infectious disease, and people really paid attention to it.


This time, the virus was spread because Wuhan illegally sold and consumed wild animals (official information). This is because there are more than 100 kinds of viruses in wild animals. Once they enter the body, they will hurt the body slightly and kill the body severely. Every day, the media and radio broadcast the virus situation, reminding us of the following precautions: wear masks, wash hands frequently, go out less, do not go to crowded places, etc.


In order to save more patients, huoshenshan hospital was built in Wuhan. Huoshenshan hospital has a building area of 2. 50000 square meters, a total of 600-1000 beds, the construction time is only ten days and ten nights, in the spading work, there are about 35 forklifts, 10 bulldozers, 8 rollers. There are about 300 large machines running at the same time in the whole project. The scene is spectacular. In order to support Wuhan, the state used eight large-scale military transport aircraft to take off from Shenyang, Lanzhou, Guangzhou and Nanjing at 1:30 a.m. on the 2nd, and all of them arrived at Tianhe Airport from 8:55 to 9:30 on the 3rd, totaling 795 soldiers and 58 tons of materials. It can be seen that the people of the whole country are supporting Wuhan. They are united, United, and share the difficulties.


During the period of this disease, we bought back a lot of masks and soaps, because masks can prevent most of the virus from entering the body, and also prevent the spread of the virus when talking. Washing hands with soap can disinfect the bacteria on the hands and reduce the incidence of the disease.


The cold winter is about to pass, and spring will come as promised. When the spring flowers bloom, we can all go to the streets, without masks, with flowers. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!



We will win the war without gunpowder. -- inscription


"In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze warms Tu su." In the sound of firecrackers again and again, we have successfully entered 2020, but in this year, something unexpected happened - the discovery of a new type of coronavirus in China. Now, more than 10000 people have been infected with the virus, which has eclipsed Asian lions


But the virus didn't make us shrink back: when we learned that the epidemic in Wuhan was extremely bad, many angels in white immediately gave up their holidays and asked for their orders to go to Wuhan and choose to be a rebel. Zhong Nanshan was one of them. In 2003, he was ordered to fight against SARS, 17 years later. In 2020, he came to the front again to fight against the new type of pneumonia. He is 84 years old. He should have enjoyed life at home happily, but he still sticks to the front line of anti epidemic. Like him, other doctors and nurses give up the time of reunion with their relatives, fight against the disease, eat the simplest instant noodles, and fall asleep when they are tired at any place. They are all the most beautiful reversers. As the saying goes, no matter what time is quiet, only someone is carrying a load.


Besides them, of course, volunteers have also made great contributions. Many capable people donate money to Wuhan, such as masks and protective clothing. A large number of rescue teams went to Wuhan to fight against the new pneumonia. It is said that if one side is in trouble, all sides should support it. On January 24, a non-woven fabric enterprise in a town had bright lights, and the enterprise was putting full power into the production of masks. In order to meet the needs of the epidemic, the workers who should have taken the leave gave up the Spring Festival holiday and resolutely returned to work. The factory director said the workers returned to work three times their wages, ensuring 240000 masks a day and providing materials for medical staff.


In 2003, Xiaotangshan Hospital was built in seven days and nights in China due to SARS. Now, China will build huoshenshan hospital in seven days, with an increase of 1300 beds to provide services for the hospital.


Now that we have successfully isolated the virus, I believe that a vaccine will be developed soon. In general, we should wash our hands and wear masks frequently, go out less and exercise more, and reduce the contact with dense crowd. Unite as one to support Wuhan. Come on, Wuhan, China. We are sure to succeed in this anti epidemic campaign.



