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Are middle school stu

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Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows

Are middle school students too young to be on TV showsM8U3 The world of colours and light目前荧屏上青少年才艺展示表演越来越多, 不同的学生对此有不同的看法。请根据一下表格内容,以“Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows?”为题, 为某英语杂志写一篇英语短文。注意:1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2. 词数150左右。题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。看法理由不利于学习1. 模仿,不是真正的艺术;2. 痴迷于“明星梦”; 3. 演出花费太多时间与精力。应该展示才华1. 提供了参与社会活动的机会; 2. 有利于将来的音乐生涯 3. 抓住机会实现梦想。你的的观点……参考词汇:crazy, abandon oneself to, tend, imitateAre middle school students too young to be on TV shows?At present there are more and more teen talent shows on the TV screen. Are middle school students too young to be on TV shows? Some students think so.They hold the view that to be on TV shows does no good to middle school students. Many of them do not have a talent for music and acting nor have their own style of performance. What they do is simply imitate others, which is not a real art. Drunk with overnight fame and crazy about their “star dream”, they tend to abandon themselves to such shows, ignoring their lessons.In contrast, some students argue middle school students should be encouraged to make such attempts because it’s a good opportunity to get close to society. In this way, TV shows allow them to experience more and help prepare them for their art career in future. Since they are provided with a stage, why not take advantage of it to follow their dreams?

Are middle school stu
