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大学英语六级作文600字 篇1

With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful. The phenomenon of _______ (主题现象) is an example of the former / latter one. There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects. To start with, __________________ (原因1). Furthermore, ______________________ (原因2). Eventually, __________________________ (原因3). Good as ____________ (主题现象) is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages. The apparent example is that ___________ (缺点例子1). In addition, ___________ (缺点例子2). On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society. There is still a long way for us to improve / eliminate __________ (主题现象) and make our life more comfortable.

大学英语六级作文600字 篇2

catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息

catch one's eye 引人注目

catch sight of 看到,发现

come into effect 生效;实施

come into operation 施行,实行,生效

come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒

come true 实现

could not help 禁不住,忍不住

cut short 中断,打断

do one's best 尽力,努力

enjoy oneself 过得快活

fall in love with 爱 上

find fault(with) 找岔

gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

get hold of 得到,获得

get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,

get the best of 战胜

get the better of 战胜,占上风

get together 会面,装配

give rise to 引起,导致

give way 让路,让步

admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的`答案

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉

appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁

appeal for 魅力,吸引力

appetite for 对……的欲望

application 把……应用于……

approach to 类似,办法,通道 of sth/to sth

argument 赞成/反对……的理由

arrangement for 对……的安排

for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击

大学英语六级作文600字 篇3

A Poster Calling for the Design of Environment-friendly Cloth Bag

In recent years, to control the white pollution,our government has taken a lot of measures to promote the use of environment-friendly cloth bags. In respond to governments appeal, the Environment Protection AssociationjofjourjdepartmentjwilljinvitejyoujtojtakejpartJin_ourjactivityof cloth bag design.

You can submit your design by email or in person. Your wonderful designsjarejexpectedjbeforejJune,j1st. If your designs are chosen by our association , you will have a bonus of ¥ 200.

If you want to get more detailed information about our activity, you may have contact with us on the number 12345678 or e-mail us by clothbagdesign @163.com.

Your active participation will be greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to your terrific design.

大学英语六级作文600字 篇4


1. 目前有一些人喜欢在网上炫富

2. 人们对这一现象的看法不一

3. 我的看法

Displaying Wealth Online

Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their experiences in which a lot of money is spent.

People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people’s right to share their possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as long as the things are legal and the experiences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What’s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.

In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking.

大学英语六级作文600字 篇5

Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.

