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When Spring Festival comes, it is the biggest day for Chinese people, because all the families get union and spend the time together. It is a happy day, while during these years, things have changed, more young people are facing the great pressure, because their relatives and parents will force them to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.

当春节来临的时候,是中国人民最大的节日,因为所有的家人都会团聚,一起度过时光。这是快乐的一天,然而在这些年间,事情已经发生了变化,越来越多的年轻人面临着巨大的压力,因为他们的亲戚和父母会强迫他们找女朋友或男朋友。As more young people choose to get married at the late age or some of them haven’t found the suitable soul mates, so they are single when they go back home. Then the parents worry about their future and urge these young people to get married as soon as possible. The parents’ pressure annoys the young people, they want to get away from it, some even find the excuse to avoid getting home.

随着越来越多的年轻人选择晚结婚年龄或这他们中的一些人还没有找到合适的灵魂伴侣,所以他们回家时是单身的。然后父母担心他们的未来,敦促这些年轻人尽快结婚。父母的压力让年轻人感到烦恼,他们想要摆脱,有些人甚至找到借口避免回家。Now the time has changed, parents should see about it. Young people chase for freedom and they want to find the right one, not just marry for having birth of the next generation. If parents give less pressure, then their children will live the happy life. That’s enough for the young people.



Honesty is one of the most valuable personalities of human. Only honesty makes people accepted and trusted by others. Besides, dishonesty does great harm to people. The most classic example is the Cry Wolf, a story about a boy. He paid great price for his dishonesty. There is a say that trust is like a piece of paper, and wrinkles ease also can't restore it the way it was. It suggests that once you treat the other, it's hardly for you to get his trust again. Therefore, let's be honest in daily life.



Taking drugs is the very sensitive topic, while the fact is that more people are caught taking it, expecially for the celebrities, which have the great influence to the public. As the problem gets more serious, more strict laws have been carried to reduce this illegal act, but still drugs take away many people’s lives every year.


The public notice the danger of drugs when they see the news of the loss of celebrities. Many famous stars are seduced to take drugs for they not only own great fortune, but also stressful. Taking drugs helps them relieve from the pressure to some degree. Once they are addicted to it, they can’t get away from it.


It has been seen that drugs have taken away many precious lives. The world popular singer stars Whitney Huston was found die in her home for taking excessive drugs in the long run. The British soul singer Amy also died at the young age for taking drugs. All of these talented people just lost their lives by the pitiful way.


The lesson we are taught is that never get curious about drugs, say no to them without hesitation.



When people buy the products, the first thing they notice is the packaging, it is believed that the products with good packaging are in good quality. So the manufacturers pay attention to the packaging, for the purpose of selling in high price. I think most products are over packaging.


As most customers will buy the produces which are with good packaging, they will be cheated sometimes. Like the mooncake, when Mid-autumn is coming, people will buy the mooncake as the present. The good packaging will look expensive and make people feel comfortable. But the face is that mooncake is very cheap, the only reason for the high price is the packaging. People spend the money to buy the thing that can’t eat, but only look.


Packaging is like people’s outlook. But we know that outlook is not important, only the soul matters all. The quality is like the soul, we need to pay attention to the quality. The good quality deserves high price, while the bad quality with good packaging is not worth buying in high price. The excessive packaging will make people waste the money to buy the useless value.



The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book. They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true. I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things. We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books. Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit.



