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大学英语作文 篇1

One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of the year. When you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses and physical illnesses.

The causes of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. In todays society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. Others are lacking in communication skills and feel they are living in an isolated world. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit.

There are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy. Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something to make a change. Secondly, learn to relax ourselves and take exercises to release the pressure. After all, your health is what counts most. Finally, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner, a relative or a friend about your problem, or seek support and advice from a psychological consultant.

大学英语作文 篇2


Reform of English Education


2. 产生这一现象的原因

3. 你认为应如何改革英语教育


Reform of English Education

As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global commuiiicaticm,tbe defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism- It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.

People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system. On the one hand, many coilege English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in class. On the other h^nd, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, Hsteniiig, speaking, reading, and writing ftom each other and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. This has also greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of many Chinese students.

In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in class and hold more activities to promote students' oral English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students* enthusiasm in learning English. With the collaboration, the reform of college BngHsh education will surely yield pleatifu] fitiits.

大学英语作文 篇3

now more and more sons and daughters from one-child families are attending universities. they distinguish themselves as a new social group. this new generation have obvious advantages since they are brought up in favorable family circumstances. but there also exist some weaknesses in the way they think, behave, in their sentiments and in their characters.though most of these college students are intelligent and fond of study, some are comparatively less capable of handling their social and living affairs. when they meet something unexpected, they don’t know how to solve it. some, even phone home to ask what to do each time they run into any problem. they feel weak at knowing how to conduct themselves in college for this is the first time for them to live independently.

i think we should not blame all this on them. it is not their own faults to be like this because they’re inevitable products of certain times. we should sincerely help them be aware of their shortcoming and adjust themselves to college life and to the society.

大学英语作文 篇4

What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way. A favor from a neighbour, a kiss of a child, a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable. Bat a rough word from a stranger, a false product bought from the store, or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink. A good mood makes one happy, energetic and creative. I was once shut in an elevator for one and a half hours. I had to phone for help. Eventually I was released, it was fun because I was in a happy mood. Otherwise I would have felt miserable.

A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind.More often than not, we are in a mixed mood. Sometimes we are happy and high-spirited. Sometimes we are in low spirits. At this time we have to take courage and have a change of mood.A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success, to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life. With a happy mood, we can live a more substantial life, one that is more interesting and meaningful.

So, always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do.

大学英语作文 篇5

We like travel because we like to move around, and enjoy the feelings of freedom. We are very delightful to get rid of the girdle, responsibilities and obligations of our life. We like unknown things;we like to meet someone new, they could bring us a moment of pleasure. We could enrich our personality in the trip. Those are the reason why the youth drop out of school for travel, which I could not agree with.


In the first place, the youth should pay more attention to the preparation for their future. Even though there is an old saying goes: never too old to learn, but it is good to learn in a younger age, which we could learn thing fast and be able to handle it quickly. In this day and age, the modern enterprise is more prefer a professional graduate student than a skill less social person.


Therefore, we should not approve of suspension of schooling for travel, adolescents should go to school to study and enrich their personality in vacation.


大学英语作文 篇6

Discovery is not such a big and noble word that only experts and scientists are entitled to use. In fact, every one of us makes discoveries as we grow. For example, a baby will find out how he can play with his toy car after he has tried several times. We will discover how to ride a bike skillfully after practicing again and again.

Often a discovery brings great joy to the person who makes it. You will certainly be delighted when you find the thing you have been looking for. You will be extremely happy when you one day realize that you have learned and mastered a skill or method which was almost too difficult for you at the beginning.

Sometimes, however, discovery means regret or even pain. You witt feet great regret when you find that you have hurt one of your friends or one of your family members. You will surelybe disappointed when you discover that you failed in the examination for which you have prepared for a tong time. Joy or sorrow as it may bring, discovery is an integral part of our life.

大学英语作文 篇7




Everything seems fresh to me when I entered the college.

My college life is entirely different from the the life in high school. College life is an important stage in my life.

The campus looked very large and there were so many buildings. I was very excited and curious when the first class began. I have a great number of new schoolmates who came from different parts of the country. In the library, there were so many books and several bright reading-rooms. I was determined to study hard.

I lived at the dormitory, not at home, as did in high school. The great difference, I feel, is that at college I should study all by myself.

It is in college that I began to live and study by myself, even plan further for myself. Meanwhile, in college I will change and become matured and fully grown up, both physically and mentally

True friends

1)朋友在人们生活中有重要作用。 2)有些人为了利益而交朋友。 3)患难中的朋友才是整整的'朋友。

Friends play an important part in everyone’s life. Some people make friends for their own benefits. A friend in need is a friend in deed.

1)Friends influence your development, maturity and sense of responsibility. 2)These people are not reallyfriends. They only want to be your friends if it

is to their advantage. By this time you should know who are your true friends. 3)A true friend is eager to help you whenever necessary. You can consider yourself very lucky if you have one true friend. You and your true friend have a good understanding of each other

大学英语作文 篇8

I'm very gald to share my experiences in learning English with you. Firstly, I am suppose to tell you that I totally find the significance of English .English is becoming a universal language with the earth turning into a small village.

Due to the development of the economy,the international communication depends much more on English language, especially when the internet is becoming on part of our life, English plays an important role in it.For most of the Chinese people, we have the opening-up policy to the outside world.With the entry into the WTO,we will have more and more opportunities to get into touch with different cultures from different countries.In order to promote the understanding, English becomes much more necessary.

大学英语作文 篇9

As an increasing number of students commit suicidein university, more people are calling for psychological class to solvestudents’ pressure. For the students, they should also go to psychological teacheronce they have great pressure which will lead them to do wrong things.


To begin with, psychological class helpsstudents out of bad situation. In college, students have lots of pressure mainlyfrom study, the future job seeking and emotion. Once students have such kind ofproblem, they will become introverted and are reluctant to say it out. This badsituation lasts for a certain period of time and goes worse, that is, studentstend to take their own life. If colleges supply students with psychologicalclass, the situation would be very different. As long as students have pressurethey can hardly bear, they will go for help from their psychological teacherwho will offer some helpful advice to them.


Moreover, psychological class helps studentsto clarify their career goal. It is investigated that as many as 80% ofcollegians have no clear plan for their career and they don’t know what to do whenthey graduate. However, psychological class will help students to find whatthey want and guide them to make plans for their future career.


All in all, college should openpsychological class to help solve students’ pressure and also guide them to abetter career plan.


大学英语作文 篇10

Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will

No great work can be performed without will。 We envy famous men and imagine that fame was due to some trock of luck。 But when we know their histories, we find that it is long years of will and constant effort that have brought about their success。 Just as we cant reach the top of a mountain without climbing, we cant achieve success without will。

The modern society provides people with more opportunities than before, and there are stories which tell us the possibility of becoming successful overnight。 Actually that is not the case。 Before these people become successful, a lot of hard work has been done, unnoticed mostly。 What we usually see is the result, but what we ignore is a long process of struggling forward and wrestling with internal or external obtacles。 Take quitting smoking for example, which is , to most people , a difficult task, so people always give up the idea for they dont have the strong will。

In a nutshell, strong will is an important condition or role of the success the individual should desire to maintain forever。 There is no instant success in this world。 Strong will is the best policy to make your life distinct and your dreams come true。

